
ともあれ、作家がこの小説で作り上げたcreateした世界は、この小説内で、おそらくはその分身であるTomyの書いた小さな動物imaginary animalsのようなものでしょう。小さく書くことによってすべてが変わってくる。学校を出てはじめて可能になった"Art"

The thing is, I'm doing them really small. Tiny. ...... If you make them tiny, and you have to because the pages are only about this big, then every thing change. It's like they come to life by hemselves. Then you have to draw in all these different details for them. You have to think about how they'd protect tehmselves, how they'd reach things.


The first impression was like one you'd get if you took the back off a radio set: tiny canals, weaving tendous, miniature screews and wheels were all drawn with obsessive precision, and only when you held the page away could you see it was some kind of armadillo, say, or a bird.


For all their busy, metallic features, there was something sweet, even vulnerable about each of them.
